Raven Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2024
Raven Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2024
Basswood with acrylic painted finish.
Ravens are commanding birds surrounded with myth and awe through the ages. Having spent a good deal of time in the natural world where Ravens live I have always felt wonderment and kinship with these birds. I have felt them watching over me and at times they have shown me the path. I dare say ravens have spoken to me. From time to time I am compelled to design, carve and paint a raven ale bowl. The challenge is to portray the raven with all due respect. I designed and carved a lot of original art over the years, nearly all of which I am confident that I have reached my personal goals and pleased to present.
Capturing the commanding raven in my art form is still very challenging. This piece represents my latest effort.
Size: 12 1/2” long x 5 3/4” high and 3 7/8” wide.
Price: $825.00

Pheasant Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2024
Pheasant ale bowl made from basswood with an acrylic painted finish.
Yes, I have been a life long hunter growing up in a rural hunting culture in Northwestern Wisconsin. And I have always had a bird dog since I was about 13 years old. I have always enjoyed training my bird dogs to hunt with me. Since wild ring neck pheasants aren’t common here in the Northwoods, I normally take a trip out west in the fall to chase pheasants. Hunting pheasants on the prairie with a good bird dog is hard to beat. I started this pheasant ale bowl leading up to the annual hunt in anticipation. I painted it when I returned home to my studio with my trusty English Setter bird dog Pepper at my feet.
Size: 11 1/4” long x 3 3/4” high and 4 1/4” wide.
Price: 565.00

Dragon ale bowl by Phillip odden 2024
Dragon ale bowl by Phillip odden 2024
Size: 13” long x 5 1/2” high and 4” wide.
This ale bowl is another in a series of dragon headed ale bowls that I have been studying for several years now. Of course it is my original design but each one is a little different. I am always working on form, line, and texture. Painting offers another aspect of opportunity.
Price: $795.00

Door or window crown by Else Bigton
Basswood with a aniline dye stain and Danish oil finish
40 1/4” long, 11 1/4” high and 3/4” thick.
Price: 325.00

Candle holder by Else Bigton
Size: 11 1/2” long, 9” high and 3 1/4” wide.
Price: $95.00

Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden
Ale bowl made from basswood with an acrylic painted finish.
Size: 14 1/2” long, 8” high and 5 3/4” wide.
Price: $850.00

Ale bowl made by Phillip Odden 2024
Ale bowl made from Basswood, with a acrylic painted finish.
Size: 9 3/4: Long x 4" Wide and 2 3/4" high
Price: $345.00

Door or window crown by Else Bigton
Size: 34” long x 8 1/2” high x 3/4” thick.
Basswood with a transparent painted surface and a satin Minwax wipe on Poly.
Price: $295.00

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Ale bowl made from basswood with a acrylic painted finish.
Size13 1/2” long x 4 3/8” high and 5” wide.
Price: $ 795.00

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2022
Size: 9 3/4” Long x 4 3/4” Wide x 3 1/4” High
Price: $395.00

Small Ale bowl made by Phillip Odden 2024
Ale bowl made from basswood with a acrylic painted finish.
Size: 6 3/4" Long x 3 3/4" Wide and 3 3/4" high
Price: $ 295

Plate shelf by Else Bigton
Plate shelf made from basswood with an aniline dye stain with a Danish Oil and clear Minwax wipe on poly finish.
Size: 24 1/8” long, 5 7/8” deep and 7” high.

Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2023
Size: 14 3/8” long x 6” high x 4” wide.
Made from basswood with an acrylic painted finish.
Price: $495.00

Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2023
Size: 10 1/4” long x 3 3/8” high and 5 1/2” wide.
Price: $425.00

Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2023
Size: 13” long x 6 1/8 “ high and 4” wide.
Price: $595.00

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2024
Ale bowl made from basswood with an acrylic painted finish.
Size: 13 1/2" long x 4" Wide and 6 3/4" high
Price: $825.00

Trunk made by Else Bigton 2024
Trunk made from basswood with carved Acanthus design by Else Bigton
Size: 26 3/8" x 16 1/2" x 19 1/2"
Price: $1850.00

Plate shelf 2023
Plate shelf by Else Bigton 2023
Plate shelf made from basswood with an aniline dye stain with a Danish Oil and clear Minwax wipe on poly finish.
Size: 24 1/8” long, 5 7/8” deep and 7” high.
Price: $245.00

Urnes style Panel
Urnes style panel made by Phillip Odden 2022
Made from pine, with interior/ exterior oil finish.
Panels overall dimension is 16” wide x 82 1/2” high
The carving is 12 1/4” wide and 62 “ high.
Price: $2750.00

Kubbestol by Phillip Odden 2024
This is a nice comfortable kubbestol made from a basswood log harvested close to our home here in Northwestern Wisconsin. I composed the design directly on the bare wood in November of 2023 just after I had shoulder replacement surgery on my left shoulder. The design just came to me and developed in a spontaneous way. I was thinking of gender with regard to the dragon characters and interaction. I used some traditional Nordic dragon style forms going back centuries and I used some of my own original forms.
I started carving the chair at our winter place in Florida as my shoulder was healing and getting stronger. It went well but I was forced to take it slow. After some weeks I had the forms carved and the lines cleaned up. I then added the different textures and details developing the character of the actors in the scenes. In the end I am very pleased with the design and how the kubbestol turned out. I am thankful that I can still design and carve.
Size 33 3/4" high, 18 1/4" wide, 20" deep and seat hight 18"
Price $5200.00

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2022
Made from basswood with a acrylic pained finish.
Size 9 1/2" Long X 5 7/8" Wide x 2 3/4" High.
Price: $395.00

Panel by Phillip Odden 2023
A Phillip Odden original dragon design panel made from basswood with a painted acrylic finish.
Size 17 1/2” wide x 37 1/2” high x 3/4” thick.
Price: $2800.00
This is another in a series of panels that I have composed and carved in my interpretation of Nordic Dragon style. I designed and carved the panel during early spring 2023. It features a couple of dragon or serpent types ( one quite feminine ) interacting with a strong mythologic stallion sporting a wing. Horses have been known to have the ability to travel freely from this world to other worlds. ( Not so sure about the dragons. )
I continue to look back at the National Romantic period in Norway as well as the Urnes style carvings from the late Viking period for inspiration while contemplating the world as I see it now and towards the future. Especially with regard to the uncertainty of a warming planet. Fjord horses live with us here on the farm offering daily inspiration.
I chose a fairly fiery pallet with texture from both the carving tools and the brush.

Kubbestol by Else Bigton
Kubbestol carved by Else Bigton, design by Phillip Odden.
Medium Size kubbestol: 31 3/4" high, 19" wide, 20 3/4" deep and seat hight 18"
Kubbestol is made from a basswood log, it has a aniline dye stain and finished with Danish oil.
Price: $3800.00

Acanthus Kubbestol
Kubbestol carved by Else Bigton, design by Phillip Odden, 2024
Larger Size: 33 1/2" high, 20 1/4 Wide, 22 1/2" deep from the top of the back curve to the front edge of the seat.
Seat High: 18 3/8"
Kubbestol made from basswood with an aniline dye stain and Danish oil finish along with Acrylic painted accents.
Price $4800.00

" River Dwellers"
Carved panel by Phillip Odden 2023
River Dwellers features a threesome that could inhabit larger rivers. This original design was made and carved for Viking River Cruises for their newly commissioned Mississippi River boat.
The original was finished with natural Danish oil. I really liked my design , so I carved one for myself. As I was drawing the design, I was thinking of the mighty Mississippi running through the center of our country with its strong currents. The center figure is more grounded, trying to cope with swirling dragons above and below. Covid-19 was in the air while I was working on this project.
Creating traditional Norwegian folk art in the rural setting has been my passion since 1977 when I was accepted at the Hjerleid wood carving school in Norway. There I met my wife Else. Together we have been making a living as woodcarvers and furniture makers on our farm in rural northwestern Wisconsin where we keep and train Norwegian fjord horses.
I received a Vesterheim Gold Medal in 1983.
Size: 37 3/8" high, 17 1/2" Wide and 3/4: thick
Price: $3700.00

Plate shelf by Else Bigton
Butternut wood with a natural Danish oil finish.
38” long by 13” high x 6” deep
Price: $385.00

Acanthus panel
Acanthus panel by Else Bigton
Honey colored, water based stained and oiled basswood Acanthus carving mounted on a dark maroon acrylic painted background.
Size: 47 1/2” x 11” x 1 1/2”
Panel can hang either horisontal or vertical.
Price: $1450

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2024
Ale bowl made from basswood with acrylic painted finish.
Size 14” long x 6 1/2” high and 4 3/4” wide.
Price: $825.00

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2021Basswood with an acrylic painted finish.
Size: 9” x 4” x 4”
Price: $385

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Made from basswood with an acrylic paint finish.
Size: 13” long x 5” wide x 4 1/4” high
Price: $565.00

Trunk by Else Bigton.
Made from butternut wood.
25 1/2" long, 19" wide and 16 1/2" high.
Price $1200

Kubbestol by Else Bigton 2022
Kubbestol made from Basswood with an aniline dye stain and Danish oil finish.
Size: 30 1/4” high x 16 1/2” wide on the seat and seat hight 16”

Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2023
Size: 11” long x 5 3/8 “ high and 5 3/4 “ Wide
Made from basswood with a acrylic painted finish.
Price: $495.00

Ferdaskrin box by Else Bigton 2020
A traditional Norwegian “Traveling box” made from Butternut wood and wrought iron import from Norway.
Size: 18 3/4” wide x 16 1/4” deep x 8 1/4” high.
Price: $1445.00

Raven Ale bowl
Raven Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Size: 12 1/2” long x 4” wide x 5” high
Price: $675.00

Ale Bowl by phillip Odden 2022
Size: 9” Long x 3 7/8” wide x 3 3/4” high
Price: $385..00

Panel by Phillip Odden 2019
Size: 42 1/4” high, 22 5/8” wide and 7/8” deep.
Price: $3800
The Dressage Queen panel is more directly connected to my life with horses. Dressage refers to classical theories, philosophies, and methods for training of horses.In this country most people who do dressage are women in the modern world. Training horses with regard to dressage is always a struggle. When you get it right now and then the experience is heavenly but it seems there is often a lot of hell in between. Horses are powerful yet vulnerable creatures. Horses are mystical and dangerous as well. People can be insecure and easily unnerved. A really good ride or drive can be euphoric yet there are always demons lurking. Youth have the advantage of unfounded courage and immortality. As we age the struggle for control becomes more important and often more illusive. Yet a life without horses is a poor option.

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2021
Basswood with an acrylic painted finish.
Size: 9” x 4” x 4”
Price: $385

Plate shelf by Else Bigton 2020
Plate shelf made from butternut wood with a natural Danish oil finish.
Size: 241/2” x 5 1/2” deep and 7” high
Price: $235

Pegboard made from basswood with an acrylic paint finish.
Size: 16 1/8” x 10” x 3”
Price: $145
By Else Bigton

Raven Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Size: 12 1/2” long x 4” wide and 5” high.
Price: $675.00
The raven is an intelligent mythical bird common to several Northern cultures over many centuries. The Raven ale bowls that I have made in the past found new homes quickly after they were made. In the winter of 2018 it was time to make another after reading Jon Turk's book titled The Gift of the Raven.
After forming the ale bowl with my hand tools to be functional as well as inviting to hold, I drew an original acanthus leaf ornamentation for the wings and feathers. After carving the ornamentation I painted the bird with undertones of yellow, green, purple, and red covered with near black.
In the end I was pleased with my efforts. During the process I thought about the many encounters I have had with ravens while hiking, hunting, paddling, or just being outdoors during my life. I thought of how the raven is important in Norsk Mythology and other earth religions. And I thought of how the Raven speaks to me and has spoken to me.

Door Crown
Door crown made from basswood with an aniline dye stain and a natural Danish oil finish.
Size: 40 1/4” x 11 1/4” x 3/4”
Price: $325
By Else Bigton

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2021 Basswood with an acrylic paint finish.
Size: 14 1/2” x 6” x 5 3/4”
Price: $885

Door Crown
Door crown by Else Bigton.
Basswood with an aniline dye stain and a natural Danish oil finish.
Size: 34 1/8” x 8 1/2” x 3/4”
Price: $275
By Else Bigton

Kubbestol by Phillip Odden, 2022
Kubbestol by Phillip Odden 2022
Size 34” High, seat hight 18 3/4” seat width 18 1/4”
Price: 3995.00

Ale bow 2021
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2021
Basswood with acrylic paint.
Size: 10 1/2” x 4 1/4” x 4 1/4”
Price: $695

Box by Else Bigton
Box made from basswood with an aniline dye stain and Danish oil finish.
Size: 12” long x 10” wide x 6” high.
Price: $195.00

Box by Else Bigton 2020
Box made from basswood with an aniline dye stain and a natural Danish oil finish.
Size: 12” long x 10” wide x 6” high
Price: $195

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
15 1/4” long x 5” wide x 8” high
Price: $785

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Ale bowl made from basswood with an acrylic paint finish.
Size: 10 1/4” long x 4 7/8” wide and 5 1/2” high
Price: $545.00

Pheasant Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
11” long x 4” wide x 4 1/4” high.
Price: $385

Rooster Ale Bowl
Rooster Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2019
size 9 1/8 long x 3 5/8 wide and 4” high
Price: $325
The little rooster ale bowl fits nicely in the hands. This is yet another in a series of rooster ale bowls I have done over the years in the tradition of Norwegian Folk Art. Roosters are alway aware of their surroundings, always on the lookout.They are bold to a point yet ready to run if need be. Roosters are colorful characters.

Pheasant Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2022
Size: 11” Long x 3 7/8” wide x 4 1/2” high
Price: $385

Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
This is an ale bowl inspired by the shape of an ale bowl that I designed and made in 1992. Its all about lines and proportions here. I was working for harmonious and graceful curves along the top line with balance in proportions of the neck body and tail. This one is longer than most of my ale bowls. I used an original acanthus design on the body of the bowl. The tail ornamentation is a form that I often use in my dragon style ornamentation but seemed to fit here. The ornamentation on the neck is a form that I have been developing the past couple years. The painted finish reveals prominent yellow undertones with a darker burnt umber body color. I used a rich red for most of the carved ornamentation and a raw umber on the upper break line of the neck. I accented the top lines with a bit of gold paint. I was certainly cognizant of the body form of my beloved Fjord horses will making this ale bowl. The lines in a number of the migrating water foul also crept into the form. I really enjoyed the entire process of making this ale bowl. I am very pleased with how it came together. This piece will command attention wherever you choose to display it.
Size 17” Long, 5” wide and 7 1/4” high.
Price: $865.00

Shelf by Else Bigton
Basswood with aniline dye stain and Danish oil finish.
Size: 24 1/4” long x 7” high x 5 1/2” deep.
Price: $225

Urnes Panel 2019
Panel by Phillip Odden 2019
Size: 48 1/8” high, 16” wide and 1 1/8” deep.
Price: $3250
For years I have been interested in Scandinavian carving styles that include dragons and the like. In 2019 I composed and carved two new designs for free hanging panels. One of my favorite inspirational piece has always been the carvings on the exterior of the Urnes Stave Church from around 1050 located on the West Coast of Norway. I see these as mythical designs with meanings that can only be guesses in our modern age. For sure the composition of intertwining tendrils and mythical creatures represent solid fantastic and nearly memorizing artistic design. I suppose that was the goal in decorating the church space.
I have studied and carved a number of designs from other Stave Churches in Norway. Some the work I directly copied. Much of my work in this regard is new composition based on the historical evidence but filtered through my life’e experience living as an artist in a rural setting in close contact with nature. I have always been interested in the Norwegian National Romantic period from about 1860 to 1915 or so. Artists at this time looked back to the Viking period and the Stave Church period to produce furnishings and ornamentation in the period style at the time called Jugend Style from the German, Art Nouveau from the French or Norwegian Arts and Crafts in English. The style was concerned with the long and lazy line as well as powerful nordic images.
Over the years I have developed my own carving style using elements from the three periods, Viking, Stave Church and Arts and Crafts period. Still the major influence in this carving is from the powerful Urnes carvings. Norwegian Fjord Horses are important to me in my life and one can recognize that in the carving. Biting and gripping beasts may represent our normal state of conflict and desire to control even as natural beauty prevails. Of course life now as then is complicated mystical as we search for security and protection from forces we scarcely can understand. I chose to paint the Urnes piece in earth tones. To me these two pieces represent 40 years of study and development of skill, creativity and interpretation.

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Ale bowl made from basswood with an a painted acrylic finish.
Size: 16” long x 6” wide x 6 3/4” high
Price: $885

Box with cross and Acanthus design by Else Bigton 2020
Box made from basswood with an aniline dye stain and a natural Danish oil finish.
Size: 13 1/8” long x 10 5/8” wide and 6 1/8” high.
Price: $295

Trunk by Else Bigton 2020
Trunk made from Butternut wood.
Size: 26” long x 15 3/4” high and 19 1/4” deep.
Price: $1445.00

Dragon panel
Dragon Panel made of butternut wood.
by Phillip Odden 2020
Size: 47 7/8” x 12 7/8” x 1 3/8”
Price $745

Showy Bird Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden, 2018
13 1/2" Long, 8" wide and 7 1/4" high.
Basswood with Acrylic paint.
Price: $750
The rooster image is quite common in traditional Nordic culture and offers many diverse meanings. Over the years I have created a number of rooster and hen chicken ale bowl forms. This is my latest original creation in that continued series. This one is fairly large and builds on what I have done before in part with influences from recent inspiration from travels to Scandinavia.

Peg board
Peg board by Else Bigton made from basswood with an aniline dye stain and a natural Danish oil finish.
Size: 16” wide x 10” high and 3” deep. The pegs are 2 1/4” long.
Price: $145

Door or window crown
Door/ window crown with Acantus style carving by Else Bigton
Basswood with aniline dye stain and a Danish oil finish.
Size: 40 1/4” long x 11 1/8” high x 3/4” thick
Price: $365

Kubbestol by Phillip Odden
Basswood with acrylic paint.
Size: 34 1/8” high x 18 1/2” wide, seat depth 12”
Price: $1495

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Size: 14 1/2” long x 5” wide x 7 1/2” high.
Price $865.00

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
Ale bowl made in basswood and painted with acrylic paint.
16 1/2” long x 5” wide x 8 3/8” high.
Price: $845.00

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2019
9” long x 4” wide x 3 3/4” high
Basswood with acrylic paint finish.
Price: $345

Pheasant ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2020
11 1/4” long x 4” wide x 4 1/4” high.
Price: $385.00

Acanthus Mirror Frame
Acanthus mirror frame by Else Bigton
Basswood with a aniline dye stain and a Danish oil finish.
Size: 23” high by 19 1/4” wide 3/4” thick
Price $445

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2018
Basswood with acrylic paint.
Size: 9 1/4" long, 4 3/4" wide and 3 1/2" high.
Price: $425
This ale bowl revisits the form of an ale bowl I created several years ago but with different ornamentation and stronger colors. I made this one in January. In the dead of winter. A bird might wonder if there would ever again be green grass and seeds to find as the snow was getting ever deeper and the sun's power was throttled down.

Bird Ale Bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
Size: 13” long x 5” wide and 5.5” high.
Price: $585

Box by Else Bigton
Made from basswood.
Size: 12" x 10" x 5.5"
Price $195

Fjord Horse Ale Bowl
Fjord Horse Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden 2017
Basswood with aniline dye stain and danish oil finish.
11 1/2" Long, 5 3/4" Wide and 4 7/8" high.
Price: $450
It is no secret that Fjord horses play a big role in my life here on our farm. We keep currently 10 Fjord horses. I work with them on a daily basis, feeding, training and from time to time showing and competing.
This Fjord ale bowl was started in mid-summer 2017 and finish in early winter 2018. Many ale bowls made in Norway during the 18th and 19th centuries sported small heads in proportion to the body. The neck can be proudly arched reminiscent of a strong breeding stallion representing fertility and productivity. The tail full and flowing. The acanthus leafage design on this ale bow is a departure from the acanthus I have designed in the past.
Though it took several months for me to work through the artistic process, in the end I am pleased with the result.

2018 Large and small Ale bowls by Phillip Odden

Shelf by Else Bigton
36 1/4" long, 5 3/4" deep and 7 1/4" high.
Butternut wood.
Price: $325

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2016
12 1/2" long, 7" wide and 3 3/4" high.
Price $445

A Dragon's Lady
Dragon Panel by Phillip Odden.
Size: 41 1/2"H x 20 3/4"W x 1"

Pheasant Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2018
Size: 12" long, 3 3/4" high and 5" wide.
Price: $390.00
I enjoy hunting pheasants with my two setters Penny and Tia. The form for this ale bowl developed rather organically. I didn't set out to make a pheasant- like ale bowl. Once the form presented itself I did my best to follow through on the theme. I found the process very enjoyable. My mind wondered to the prairies of South Dakota west of the Missouri. I am pleased with the result and I expect to explore making another pheasant ale bowl some day.

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2017
12 1/2" long x 7 1/4" high and 6" wide
Price: $650
This ale bowl is one of the latest in a series of Dragon ale bowl forms that I have designed and made over the past 30 years. Clearly I was thinking of Viking ships when I drew and shaped this form. On our 2017 tour to Norway we visited the site at Nordfjordeid where they are reconstructing the Myklebust Viking ship which is the largest Viking ship to be reconstructed.
As usual I drew the design directly on a chunk of dry basswood. The prominent and proud high head and flowing tail tucked under are apparent. I formed the ale bowl with my hand tools and then drew the ornamentation drawing on images from the Stave Church period in Norway.
I liked the red over near black back ground with yellow and green accents this time.
This ale bowl has been on display at the 20th anniversary craft show for the North House Folk School in Grand Marias, Minnesota.

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
Horse head ale bowl with dragons by Phillip Odden 2019
Basswood with acrylic paint finish.
Size: 14 1/2” long x 5” wide x 8” high
Price: $785

Ferdaskrin/ Traveling Box by Else Bigton
This box is a traditional Norwegian piece and have wrought iron imported from Norway.
Basswood with an aniline dye stain and Danish oil finish.
Size 16" x 16" x 7"
Price: $1400

Kubbestol with Acanthus carving by Else Bigton 2018
Basswood with acrylic painted background and aniline dye stain and Danish oil on the carving.
Larger size: 34 1/2" high, 22" wide, Seat depth 19", seat hight 17 1/2"
Price: $3850.00

The Raven
The raven is an intelligent mythical bird common to several Northern cultures over many centuries. The Raven ale bowls that I have made in the past found new homes quickly after they were made. In the winter of 2018 it was time to make another after reading Jon Turk's book titled The Gift of the Raven.
After forming the ale bowl with my hand tools to be functional as well as inviting to hold, I drew an original acanthus leaf ornamentation for the wings and feathers. After carving the ornamentation I painted the bird with undertones of yellow, green, purple, and red covered with near black.
In the end I was pleased with my efforts. During the process I thought about the many encounters I have had with ravens while hiking, hunting, paddling, or just being outdoors during my life. I thought of how the raven is important in Norsk Mythology and other earth religions. And I thought of how the Raven speaks to me and has spoken to me.
13” long x 4” wide and 5” high
Price: $675.00

Kubbestol by Phillip Odden 2017
Basswood, larger size chair with arm rests.
34" high x 21 " wide seat height 18"
Price $3850
This is a fairly large and comfortable kubbestol with arm rests. The blank was naturally seasoned for three years after being formed from a basswood log that I harvested close to our farm. My goal was to make a very comfortable kubbestol with arm rests. I chose to design a free flowing pattern with dragons drawing on influences from several historical periods. I used elements reminiscent of the Urnes style c. 1050 on the back as well as elements from later Stave Church ornamentation.

Raven Ale Bowl
The raven has held a mystical position in Nordic Mythology as well as in American aboriginal societies. I have always noticed ravens when I am hiking, canoeing or hunting in their country. These birds seem to have a higher sense understanding than most other birds. It is said that they can speak to people. Quite assuredly they can interact and communicate with other animals. Ravens have spoken to me on a couple of occasions and have offered me support on other occasions. They have also ruined a hunt now and then.
Over the years I have made perhaps 4-5 raven ale bowls. Each one is different. depending on my inspiration at the time. I finished this one in June 2019. I composed an acanthus leaf design for the feathers. It has subtle under-colors of red, yellow and green with a hint of purple.
Size: 13” long x 5” high x 4 1/4” wide.
Price $745

The Whippet and the Dragon
Carved panel by Phillip Odden 2016
19 3/4" wide, 34" high and 7/8" deep

In this view you can see the two Urnes style figures in the upper back. The design in the front of the upper back is loosely inspired by the World Tree or Yggdrasil. I worked the seat with my tools to give it a comfortable anatomic and inviting form. The kubbestol is finished with a rich brown aniline dye covered with several coats of Danish Oil. Over time ( a year or two ) the dye and oil finish will mature and with use there will develop a rich natural patina.

The overall form of this kubbestol has to do with the period of Norwegian Arts and Crafts and the long and lazy line. The band at the middle of the kubbestol is also quite traditional. The geometric decoration for this band is much like the one I saw on our 2017 Odden's Rural Life Tour on a kubbestol at Troldhaugen in Bergen. The home of composer Edvard Grieg.

Kubbestol by Phillip Odden 2014
33" High, 16 1/4" wide and 16" seat depth.
Price $3450

Spider Phaeton Cart
It's time to sell our priced Spider Phaeton pictured here. This vehicle has served us well and is a pleasure to drive and shows off our horses nicely. We had it built in 2007 to our specifications by a Mennonite carriage maker. It comes with two poles. One is fitted with a crab and the other requires a neck yoke.

It comes with a set of shaves for driving a single horse. It comes with a grooms seat or the groom can sit beside the driver. This is a fairly light but extremely stable vehicle and it is equipped with rear brakes. It is in very good condition and has never been in a wreck. As you can see it is comfortable and roomy enough for two full sized people. I have won several championships at Pleasure Driving shows and at Combined Driving Events with this vehicle.

It is time for us to find a new look with a different vehicle. So we are offering this one for sale.
The price for the Phaethon with two poles, set of single shaves and the groom seat is $3800. The hand carved trunk and carved and painted ornamentation designed for the vehicle is $800. So the entire package would cost $4600. The vehicle can be purchased with or without the carving.

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2017
11 1/2" long x 5" high and 6' wide
Price: $625

Raven Ale Bowl
Raven Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden, 2018
Size: 12 1/4" Long, 5" wide and 5" high.
Basswood with Acrylic paint.
Price: $550
The raven is an intelligent mythical bird common to several Northern cultures over many centuries. The Raven ale bowls that I have made in the past found new homes quickly after they were made. In the winter of 2018 it was time to make another after reading Jon Turk's book titled The Gift of the Raven.
After forming the ale bowl with my hand tools to be functional as well as inviting to hold, I drew an original acanthus leaf ornamentation for the wings and feathers. After carving the ornamentation I painted the bird with undertones of yellow, green, purple, and red covered with near black.
In the end I was pleased with my efforts. During the process I thought about the many encounters I have had with ravens while hiking, hunting, paddling, or just being outdoors during my life. I thought of how the raven is important in Norsk Mythology and other earth religions. And I thought of how the Raven speaks to me and has spoken to me.

Pheasant Ale Bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2019
Size: 11 1/4” long x 4” wide x 4 1/4” high
Price: 385.

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2017
14 1/2" long, 8" high and 5" wide
Price $650

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden 2016
16 1/4" long, 8 1/4" wide and 7 3/8" high.
Price: $745

The Kubbestol is a chair made from a solid log. For our kubbestols the finest basswood logs are secured from the forest in our area.

Kubbestol by Phillip Odden.
32" High, 16 1/2" wide and 12" seat depth.

Plate Shelf
Plate Shelf by Else Bigton
25" Long, Butternut wood.

Ale Bowl 2019
Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden
Basswood with Acrylic paint
Size:11” long x 4 1/2” high x 4 3/8” wide
Price: $525
This ale bowl turned out to express an optimistic yet searching soul. I really never know how they will turn out when I start them. The creative process involves a daring idea, problem solving and adjustments. Once carved the ale bowl needs color. Again, I am never sure what might happen with the painting process. Often I find that the piece reflects my state of mind and happenings in my life at the time I am making it. Often I am surprised by the result. I do like this guy. I like to be optimistic and often I still find myself searching.

Green dragon Ale Bowl by Phillip Odden.
13" Long, 5 3/4" High, 6" WIde
Price: $575

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
14" Long, 5 1/2" High and 6" Wide.
Price: $485

Ale Bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
11 1/2" Long, 5 3/8" High and 3 3/4" Wide.

Basswood Shelf with Acanthus carving.
20" long, 6" high and 5 5/8" deep

Ale bowl
Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
9" Long, 3 1/2" High and 3 3/4" Wide.

Ale bowl by Phillip Odden
10 1/4" long, 6 1/4" high and 4" wide.

Dragon Panel
Dragon Panel by Phillip Odden 2016
45 1/2" long 11 1/4" high 1 1/4" deep